Sunday, October 11, 2015

My Porch Garden :)

Not only is this My Porch Garden but this is also my first time coding which is not much but takes a long time for a first timer to code. Ill I wanted was these to picture to be next to each other on this blog. Accomplished! thanks to this  blog

Left (Holy Basil-Tulsi)     Middle (Purple Basil)      Right ( Sweet Thai Basil)

Below to the LEFT is the Newest addition to my garden family (Cucumber). On its right is a herb called Papalo a herb that is in the Cilantro family. I got it for $1.00 at the market. To the far right is my Cuban Oregano good stuff . We cook with it all the time!

 My Basil!!! Its growing like crazy!! My first time around at growing this I failed. I tried again after they got flooded and replanted them and now I have a plentiful amount of Basil in my garden right at my fingertips.

1 comment:

  1. Need to see more of your fantastic abilities! Please and thank you!
