Sunday, October 11, 2015

My Porch Garden :)

Not only is this My Porch Garden but this is also my first time coding which is not much but takes a long time for a first timer to code. Ill I wanted was these to picture to be next to each other on this blog. Accomplished! thanks to this  blog

Left (Holy Basil-Tulsi)     Middle (Purple Basil)      Right ( Sweet Thai Basil)

Below to the LEFT is the Newest addition to my garden family (Cucumber). On its right is a herb called Papalo a herb that is in the Cilantro family. I got it for $1.00 at the market. To the far right is my Cuban Oregano good stuff . We cook with it all the time!

 My Basil!!! Its growing like crazy!! My first time around at growing this I failed. I tried again after they got flooded and replanted them and now I have a plentiful amount of Basil in my garden right at my fingertips.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Senior Profolio Sign Dancers Project

Sign Dancers. 

The idea behind this project was to capture the sign dancers of Jacksonville. I stopped as soon as I saw any sign dancers. At first it was intimidating going up to a complete stranger and asking if i could photograph them . Most people were very kind and had no problem with it as I let them know it was for a school project. It was a very interesting project and definitely in many ways challenged me to come out of my comfort zone. 

So when I went up to this guy and asked to take his photo
he had absolutely no problem with this idea. Although as soon as
shot a image. The owner of this tax place came out and asked me what
I was doing and asked to see the picture. I went into the tax office where a
lady was sitting doing someones taxes just normal as can be. Turned the
corner open door to find....
a massive black guy sitting at a desk with a box of publix friend chicken
and some type of gun sitting on the desk. SCARY! Turns out he wanted to
see if I would photograph his dancers . After chatting a bit turns out he also
owns the Gentlemens club next door to the tax place. Needless to say I
did not take the offer of photographing his "

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

No Picture Taking Today..

I found a few of these photos on my camera. On lunch break tomorrow I'm going to try to get some more dragonflies. Goal tomorrow is to create a photo using some type of manipulation on photoshop.


Old Photos from Color Photography Class
Can you tell what vegetables I used?   

Monday, September 28, 2015

Macro Mode Flowers and Such..

Today I took the Camera out of my lunch break and used my Macro lens to snap a few photos. This is behind the Granary Whole Foods in Orange Park near a off the grid building.

Here is a dragon fly that would not let me take its picture until I gained patience and waited for a good 10 mins.

Some flowers ect...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

My goal for tomorrow is to capture a few images using my Macro lense of a couple different flowers, herbs and veggies. Using different depths ect. Taking a few hints from this little article on staying up close and personal with the flowers. 

Day Uno of blogging

So, I am going to try to keep a blog and update it every day to help inspire me to try to figure out how my camera works again. (Thanks to Frenchy I am dedicating time every night to do this) Which isnt going to happpen, but it is worth a shot . Any who here is a picture from 2003 When I traveled the coast of Cali with the parental units. This was just a typical digital camera nothing be honest I am not sure I even knew the difference between my camera at the time and a DSLR .