Wednesday, September 30, 2015

No Picture Taking Today..

I found a few of these photos on my camera. On lunch break tomorrow I'm going to try to get some more dragonflies. Goal tomorrow is to create a photo using some type of manipulation on photoshop.


Old Photos from Color Photography Class
Can you tell what vegetables I used?   

Monday, September 28, 2015

Macro Mode Flowers and Such..

Today I took the Camera out of my lunch break and used my Macro lens to snap a few photos. This is behind the Granary Whole Foods in Orange Park near a off the grid building.

Here is a dragon fly that would not let me take its picture until I gained patience and waited for a good 10 mins.

Some flowers ect...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

My goal for tomorrow is to capture a few images using my Macro lense of a couple different flowers, herbs and veggies. Using different depths ect. Taking a few hints from this little article on staying up close and personal with the flowers. 

Day Uno of blogging

So, I am going to try to keep a blog and update it every day to help inspire me to try to figure out how my camera works again. (Thanks to Frenchy I am dedicating time every night to do this) Which isnt going to happpen, but it is worth a shot . Any who here is a picture from 2003 When I traveled the coast of Cali with the parental units. This was just a typical digital camera nothing be honest I am not sure I even knew the difference between my camera at the time and a DSLR .